Ph.D Scholar Mr. Prameet Vats (ME22D0002) has received the Best Paper Award at COPEN 13 held at NIT Calicut.
Ph.D. Scholar Mr. Rajasekhar Dasari (CS22D0003) has received the Graduate Forum Best Paper Award at COMSNETS 2025 held at Bengaluru, India.
NIMMAGADDA SREE DHYUTI (CED 19) secured MS admit at Northwestern University
RAAKESHWARAN S (ID22M1001) has secured 3rd place in the first round of the All India Automotive Design Challenge 2023 and emerged as one of the Top 10 finalists in the final round during the 18th SIAM Styling & Design Conclave
ARJUN VIJAYKUMAR (MPD19I024) has been admitted to Johns Hopkins University, USA for a Ph.D program.
Dikshanya (CED17) has been admitted in Cornell University's for the Masters in Computer Science.
The research scholar Mr. ARUN KUMAR BAMBAM (ME21D0011) has received the Best Presentation Award at AIRSS-2024 held at IIT Madras.
Ph.D. scholar, Mr. Anibrata Mondal (PH21D0002), has received the Best Technical (Oral) Presentation Award in AIRSS-2024 held at IIT Madras
Sukesh J R(MDM19) has been admitted in Purdue University for the MS-Ph.D
Susheel (COE19) has been admitted in University of Massachusetts Amherst for the Masters in Computer Science.
Dr. Kishor K Gajrani has featured for the second time in "World's Top 2% Scientist List 2023" released by Stanford University
- Team Shunya of Mars Rover Students (MaRS) Club have secured 3rd Rank in Asia (6th Rank Globally) in the Finals of European Rover Challenge (ERC) Remote-Edition & 3rd Rank in India (21st Rank Globally) in the Finals of European Rover Challenge (ERC) Onsite-Edition.
The Ph.D. scholar Mr. Anibrata Mondal (PH21D0002) has received the Best Poster Presentation Award at PHOTONICS 2023 Conference held at IISc Bengaluru
Team Nira of the AUV Society has secured 3rd place worldwide in the Ocean Exploration Video Challenge, as part of the MATE ROV World Championship 2023, USA
The Ph.D. scholar Mr. Rameez Raja Shaik(EDM19D006) has received an offer of Postdoctoral Fellowship from Penn State: The Pennsylvania State University under Prof. Saptarshi Das and going to start on or before October, 2023
Sujith (MDM18) Received Direct-PhD Offer at UCSD
Sudeeptha (MDM18) Received Direct-PhD Offer at IISc
Rahul C S (COE18) Received Direct-PhD Offer at IITMadras
Meena A (Phd @ SIDI) has been selected for Savitribai Jyotirao Phule Single Girl Child Fellowship
Subashini J M (Phd @ SIDI) has been selected for Savitribai Jyotirao Phule Single Girl Child Fellowship
T C Archana (PhD Scholar) received Zuegel Family Scholarship
Ph.D. scholar Ms. Rajakumari V (EC21D0003) has been selected for the SERB Overseas Doctoral Fellowship (OVDF) to Purdue University